Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Creamy Vegan Carrot Soup with Coconut Recipe

This creamy carrot soup recipe uses coconut milk instead of dairy or soy milk for a creamy soy-free tropically flavored soup. This carrot soup recipe is so good, I literally couldn't stop taking bites as I was trying to photograph it! If you're looking for a nutritious vegan carrot soup recipe, you won't be disapointed with this yummy vegan, dairy-free and soy-free carrot soup. Serve hot for a meal, or, chill and serve as a simple yet elegant appetizer soup.

2-3 large carrots, chopped small
1 onion, chopped small
1 tsp fresh ginger, minced
1 1/2 tsp curry powder
1 3/4 cup vegetable broth
1 14 ounce can coconut milk
sea salt, to taste


Simmer the carrots, onions, ginger and curry powder in vegetable broth for 20-25 minutes, until carrots are soft.
Allow to cool slightly, and then puree in blender, working in batches if eneded.
Return to heat and stir in coconut milk until well combined.
Season generously with sea salt, to taste.
Serve hot, or, chill until cold and serve as a gourmet vegetarian and vegan appetizer soup. This carrot soup will thicken as it cools, so if serving this vegan carrot soup cold, you may want to add a bit extra liquid.

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