Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stem cell transplantation, an alternative to organ transplantation

Stem cell transplantation is a breakthrough in modern medicine. Used for the treatment of cancer, spinal cord injury, among others. The treatment, which is otherwise known as quality life without diseases is a struggle against very serious diseases.

Dr. Perry Iloegbunam, the Chairman, National Committee on the Research and Application of Stem Cell Transplantation Technology - a committee set-up by the Federal Government in recognition of the therapy, described stem cell transplantation as, "the use of cells, organ and tissues for the treatment of diseased, disordered organs, tissues and whole range of human disorders.

"Stem cell transplants are another form of medication, individually prepared by a physician, for his specific patient, by agreement with his patient, confirmed by the signed informed consent prescribed by law."

He continued by saying that, "Life started with a cell, before its division by the process of mitosis until they gave rise to tissues and organs of the body. Now, as we grow per second, we lose cells and they are replaced.

"Human body contains about four trillion cells, all of which rose from one unified cell through multiple cycles of division and continue throughout life, as new ones replace old and weak cells."

The chairman further said: "Scientists have it that a human being loses 25 million cells over seconds and they are replaced accordingly. As we grow older, which starts between 35 and 45 years, the replacement of the cells does not equate the death of the cells. So, in this way, we continue to go down until we die.

"If a particular organ of the body is diseased, during the aging period, the cells in the organ die faster. When the cells die to an extent, the organ dies as well. It is vital to note that the human body cannot do without these organs and will eventually lead to the death of the individual.

"In the previous time, when these organs are diseased, we don’t have any means of fixing them. But today, scientists have developed the stem cells therapy, to repair diseased tissues and organs, which are done by stimulating or regenerating the weak cells in the body, thereby restoring the organs and the tissues."

While explaining the stimulation and regeneration of a weak cell, Iloegbunam said that in a case of kidney transplant, if the organ of a patient is getting bad, the patient will be evaluated with a view to finding out if there are cells in the said organ. If there is, then the cells will be stimulated to work again. But according to him, "If a patient allows the cells of the kidney to die before coming to us, at this point, there is nothing we can do to it, rather, he will be referred for outright kidney transplantation."

In this manner, every diseased human organ can be treated with stem cell therapy, which is the latest technology in medicine that has been brought to Africa, and Nigeria in particular.

"When a patient is brought to us, the physicians evaluate such patient. Having done that, we reject or accept the patient for stem cell treatment, upon which we start the manufacturing of transplants for that particular person," Iloegbunam said.

Usually, it takes 20 days to manufacture the transplant, because it is an individualised system. It does not have a shelf life. It has to be manufactured to suit the body of the patient. There are no ready-made transplants.

Talking about efficacy, over six million patients have been treated with this method around the world, without any case of after-effects or rejection.

Iloegbunam shed more light on this: "It might interest you to know that German Supreme Court ordered investigation on stem cell Xeno-transplantation, which lasted for three years. After that, it ruled that the use of stem cell Xeno-transplantation should continue to be applied in the country, because they found it very safe and efficacious.

"In Germany, nothing goes under the table when it comes to medicine, therefore, no institution anywhere or anybody anywhere in the world can fault that German Supreme Court ruling, because the issue here is ‘re ipsa loquitor’ (facts speak for themselves). By implication, it became binding to all the European Union (EU) to follow suit."

On how the treatment in Nigeria, the medical expert said: "We have three major treatment centres in Nigeria - Enugu, Abuja and Lagos. The treatment is still high for the poor Nigerians, but still more affordable compared with overseas travel for outright organ transplantation embarked upon by Nigerians."

He further said: "In fact, this is why every state government should, as a matter of urgency, promote the use of stem cell treatment to better the lives of the people.

"Stem cell transplantation can make the individual grow younger and live longer. There is an anti-ageing treatment, which any person between the ages of 35 and 45 can start with. The treatment will be renewed every five years and that person hardly can fall sick. It means one can live without the infirmities of old age."

It has been said that President Dwight Eisenhower of America, Winston Churchill of Great Britain, Charles De Gaulle of France, and even the legendary Konrad Adenaver of Germany, availed themselves of stem cell transplantation therapies in order to maintain their power of concentration and physical endurance.

With this, there is no reason why Nigerians should travel abroad for major surgical operations or treatment, which are obtainable here in the country, at a cheaper rate.

Charlie Chaplin, a German once said the therapy enabled him to father children after aged 70, while Adenaver said the therapy helped him to rule Germany even at 90 years of age.

Iloegbunam further explained that there are different types of transplantation. For instance, there is Xeno-transplantation, and Allo (human) transplantation.

"Xeno-transplantation is the transplantation of cells, tissues and organs between species. That is, from animal to man, from man to animal, or from one animal species to another, such as from dog to cat. But we use rabbit, because everything about human being is in rabbit, except for a portion of the brain. So, why do we need to destroy human embryo, when we can get the solutions from an animal.?

"Allo, is the transplantation within the same species from man to another man, one dog to another dog, within the same species.

However, there are other types of stem cells transplantation such as Auto-Logus stem cell transplantation, which means from one part of human being to another part," he said.

In his own opinion, Dr. Masahide Yoshikawa, a specialist at the Cell Transplantation Centre of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair, College of Medicine, the University of South Florida, in his response to the question as to when a stem cell can be used for treatment, said: "A stem cell transplant is an option which is considered for various cancer conditions, such as leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The transplant is also used for some rare non-cancerous blood disorders.

"Stem cells can be gotten from your own body, from a close relatives body, from a bone marrow, or from the blood."

The specialist said, a stem cell transplant can be given the same way blood transfusion is given.

"The solution containing stem cells is given into one of your veins via a drip. The stem cells travel through your bloodstream and end up your bone marrow. Here they start to make blood cells.

"As simple as the transfusion is, it also has its risk. Infection is the main risk. There could also be bleeding problems," Yoshikawa said.

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