Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Slimmer who lost a leg to diabetes went through ELEVEN prosthetic limbs in ONE year after losing EIGHT stone

Drinking too much cola can cause weak bones and even paralysis, experts warn


Drinking too much cola can cause muscle weakness and even paralysis, doctors have warned.

Miracle bugs: Fancy 'probiotic' yoghurt drinks really ARE good for you, scientists say

Woman drinking probiotic drink

Doctors have been sceptical about these yoghurts, drinks and pills because the evidence for them hasn't been convincing - until now.

Me and my operation: My kidney was removed through my belly button

Now, a pioneering technique allows surgeons to operate through the belly button, meaning there are no scars, as Susan White discovered.

Surgery for kidney and gallbladder problems usually involves a major scar across the abdomen or puncture marks from keyhole surgery.

Pioneering procedure that can cure a faulty heartbeat

Dicky ticker: More than 500,000 people in Britain have Atrial Fibrillation but only one per cent of the NHS budget is spent on the condition

Tens of thousands of Britons are killed each year by the heart condition atrial fibrillation, but now a London cardiologist has developed a technique that cures the problem for good.

Pine mouth puzzle: Why do these nuts leave you with a bitter taste?

Chef cooking pine nuts

Increasing numbers of people have reported that after eating pine nuts they have developed 'pine mouth' - a foul, metallic taste in their mouth lasting for up to two weeks.

Dentists would be given power to fine patients who miss appointments under Tories


The Conservatives pledged to bring back a system of charging patients who fail to turn up, and said they would 'slash bureaucracy' to improve access to NHS dentists.

I will NOT surrender to MS: After her devastating diagnosis, one mother's story of defiance and hope

Anastasia and Richard Parkes with sons Dominic and Edward

New kidney cancer pill extends the lives of patients by two years

Female nurse giving an elderly man his medication.

A kidney cancer drug can extend the lives of patients with advanced forms of the disease, research shows.

The twin girls I didn't know I was expecting despite being six months pregnant

Extended family: Sally Giles and her twin girls Emma (left) and Kate

Feeling rundown, Sally Giles assumed she had been overdoing it. But the 34-year-old was shocked to find she was pregnant with twins - and gave birth just 13 days later.

Britain's oldest mum, 66, tried for an IVF baby five years ago

 Elizabeth Adeney

The woman expecting to become Britain's oldest mother was left 'emotionally exhausted' after trying IVF in 2004.

Ask the doctor: I've had this cold for ages - how can I shake it off?

A snowman illustrating a continuing cold

Dr Martin Scurr has been treating patients for more than 30 years and is one of the country's leading GPs. Here he tackles colds that go on for ages and itchy, flaky ears.

Meet the one-in-a-million twin baby boys – who have different fathers


Eleven-month-old Justin and Jordan Washington may have arrived in the world within just seven minutes of each other, but they're also half brothers.

Why sleeping more could help you lose weight

sleeping woman

It you want to lose weight the surprising answer is to stay in bed longer. Those who are 'short sleepers' are more likely to end up overweight even if they are more active than 'long sleepers' during the day, according to new research.

Is a mastectomy for a breast lump ALWAYS a lifesaver... or could it be a terrible mistake?

Eileen did not have a lump before being diagnosed with DCIS (posed by model)

Eileen Conn's experience is at the heart of a debate raging in breast cancer medicine over whether routine screening is a good idea.

Fitness News: How you can pedal away a migraine

Elderly cyclist

Swedish scientists found that a programme of regular, medium-intensity cycling reduced the frequency of attacks by up to 90 per cent.

Under the microscope: Actor Tom Courtenay

Tom Courtenay

Actor Sir Tom Courtenay, 72, likes a drop of wine with his meal but nothing after, has a hip that goes off at airports and reckons he avoided male menopause by having a wife 16 years his junior.

Can cancer drugs harm your memory? Patients complain of mental problems after chemo


When Sue Kernaghan underwent chemotherapy for aggressive breast cancer, she'd been warned severe side-effects were par for the course.

'I can sleep easy now': Writer tries out brain scan that reveals your risk of dementia

Wendy Leigh and brain-mapping machine, which assesses future risk of dementia

The doctor leads me through a door into the ominous-sounding ‘brain-mapping suite’. I sit down. Gel is put on my hair to ‘better conduct electricity through your scalp’.

Health news: Gas to beat MRSA, how blackcurrants soothe dry eyes and caffeine for pain

Dry eye cure? Around two million Britons suffer from dry eye syndrome but a blackcurrant and fish oil supplement could be the answer

In our pick of top health stories this week, a blast of gas that may help kill superbugs, a blackcurrant and fish oil supplement that could help dry eye syndrome and how a caffeine drip is being used to combat pain

How FATHERS can get post-natal depression: One man's harrowing testimony

Mike Anderson and son Joe

For years I never went anywhere without a paper bag... Breathing into one helped my panic attacks

Christopher Potter

A leading publisher tells of his terrifying breakdown...and how he pushed science to one side on his journey to recovery.

Amputee, 5, is already a world beater on her bionic blades

Ellie Challis gives Oscar Pitorius a run for his money in London

He has been called the fastest man on no legs. But Oscar 'Blade Runner' Pistorius got a run for his money when five-year-old Ellie Challis challenged him to a race on their bionic feet.

Three-minute test for £10 offers new hope on prostate cancer

The new technique would allow patients to learn their test results immediately, rather than endure a wait of up to two weeks at present

The new test, developed by researchers in Durham and the U.S., would involve taking a sample of fluid from the prostate.

For heart survivors, a big waistline could be a lifeline

An obese woman

Overweight heart attack victims should stay fat as they are more likely to live longer, say researchers.

Mothers died from identical infections after giving birth at the same hospital, inquest hears

mothers split

Within three days, both died from complications related to streptococcus A infection, known as Strep A, which usually causes throat infections.

Slash salt levels to save lives, food watchdog tells industry


Big brands are in the firing line from the Food Standards Agency's tough salt-reduction targets, including Kellogg's corn flakes.

Heat treatment 'can burn away asthma attacks'

The new treatment was shown to reduce asthma attacks by a third, although it wasn't without side-effects

A drug-free treatment for asthma that cuts attacks by a third has been developed by scientists

Deaths from NHS drugs have doubled under Labour

Norman Lamb

The figures, received by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, mainly relate to prescription drugs but also cover adverse reactions to over-the-counter and herbal medicines.

Gwyneth Paltrow says shampoo causes cancer. Is she right?

Gwyneth Paltrow

A panel of experts reveals whether there was any truth in the beliefs of the stars who preach about their health secrets.

Here are the headlines... and now for a massage. GMTV newsreader Priya Kaur-Jones tells why she went holistic

Priya Kaur-Jones

After a bout of pneumonia, Priya Kaur-Jones found a solution for her health problems in alternative medicine.

'Jigsaw Man' crash victim smiles again after surgeons rebuild his face

CT Scan of Michael Bradbury's skull before reconstructive surgery

Lorry driver Michael Bradbury suffered multiple fractures to his skull, cheekbone and jaw when his brakes failed and he careered off the road.

Heart disease is not a 'man-thing': How to stop the equal opportunities killer

Young couple jogging in a park

Coronary disease affects both men and women, but do you know what makes your heart tick?

Free dental checks for every 5-year-old under Tory plans

a young child brushing his teeth

Every five-year-old in the country would get a free dental check-up at school under a Tory government.

AIDS vaccine a step closer thanks to antibody breakthrough

woman tested for HIV

Researchers have discovered a technique that could pave the way for a vaccination against the AIDS virus.

Nurses' dilemma over surge in assisted suicide requests

Daniel James, 23, who died at a clinic run by the Dignitas

Nurses have reported a surge in requests from seriously ill patients and their relatives for information about assisted suicide.

The health alerts that make you ill: Negative thoughts 'can induce sickness'

Ignore the warnings: Even just reading the side-effects listed on a pill bottle can increase your risk of experiencing them

If you feel ill just looking at the side effects of the medicine that's supposed to cure you, it might be best not to bother.

Man flu is not a myth: Female hormones give women stronger immune systems

Man sneezing

Man flu may not be a myth after all since researchers have found the female immune system is more powerful than the male one - and women have their hormones to thank.

90m swine flu jabs ordered by ministers

Flu jab: Priority will be given to infants, frontline health workers, the over 65s and people with heart problems or suppressed immune systems

Ministers have signed contracts for 90 million doses of swine flu vaccine in preparation for a deadly global pandemic.


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